10 Tips to Rejuvenate and Energise the Body for Vitality

“A healthy outside starts from the inside”

Detoxification or “detox” is a physiological process that continuously eliminates harmful chemicals, toxins, that are either ingested through air, digested though diet and water or absorbed though personal care products. The detoxification systems can become sluggish, causing general inflammation in the body which can lead to physical symptoms such as fatigue, fluid retention, lack of energy, lack of concentration, foggy brain, headaches, aches and pains, poor memory and effect the emotional and mental wellbeing.

It is imperative to take care of body’s detoxification system by investing and taking care of the organs involved in detoxification process such as liver, kidney, intestines, lungs, skin as well as lymphatic system to feel energised and rejuvenated at cellular level.

10 Tips to Rejuvenate and Energise the Body for Vitality 

  • First and foremost remove, eliminate, minimise the toxins that enter your body.

  • Be gentle with your liver as it is body’s primary filtration system where toxins are converted to waste products to then be eliminated by the gut. As it has such an important role to play in your body’s overall regulation, it is crucial that you keep your liver healthy by reducing or eliminating  alcohol, caffeine and toxic substances.

  • Maintain a healthy gut function. If you experience any digestive symptoms such as pain, bloating, wind, flatulence and food intolerances a comprehensive stool testing is recommended to check the health of the gut microbiome, digestive enzymes, good and bad bacteria levels. 

  • Schedule lymphatic drainage massage such as  Endermotherapie  treatments to stimulate the lymphatic function to support lymph transportation out of the body and to decrease inflammation

  • Sweat more by exercising regularly, using private steam rooms  and Far Infrared Infratherapy Vital Dome on a regular basis.

  • Care for the skin by regular dry brushing and  Hammam Kessa Exfoliation on a regular basis to get rid of excess dead skin ensuring pores are open to eliminate toxins through pores of the skin

  • Eat clean fresh, raw, local and seasonal foods that are free from pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. Opt for organic produce if you can or follow Clean 15 Dirty Dozen list from EWG.

  • Hydrate with filtered water to assist the body to flush out toxins through sweating and urination.

  • Exercise the body by physical movement which helps with sweating and lymph removal 

  • Establish and stick to a bedtime ritual to ensure you get adequate sleep to repair and regenerate cells.

It is recommended that you book in for an integrative functional health and wellness consultation to assess your health needs and get the relevant laboratory testing as well as gut microbiome analysis. The gut flora and the microbiome will provide extensive information about your internal environment, digestive enzymes, colonic function, good bacteria levels, any opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria, parasites, presence of candida, yeast and much more. 

Based on the findings, we will recommend the best diet and discuss the management plan so you have vitality and thrive geometrically.