How to Improve Gut Health by Mindful Eating

Mindful eating is an important aspect in helping the body to shift into rest and digest mode. In this modern life, people swallow their food as opposed to chewing it. Mealtimes are a hurried affair with food eaten whilst we are distracted by looking at our mobiles, computers or the television. The environment and body have to be in a calm state so the sympathetic nervous system is deactivated and the parasympathetic nervous system is activated during mealtime to improve digestive health. The body is in a calm state so blood and oxygen are directed into the abdominal area so that the parasympathetic nervous system can focus on digestion. 

Top 4 Tips for Mindful Eating

  • Sit down, breathe and get grounded: put everything aside and bring your body into a calm state to start the rest and digest mode. It is time for nourishment. What you feed your body has a great impact on your gut function, mobility and digestive process. 

  • Practice gratitude: bless the food and express gratitude by thanking the person who prepared the meal, including the farmers, producers and the soil. Appreciate mother earth. Spend time looking, observing and smelling the food to activate your salivary glands and stomach acid. Positive thoughts will help the body to go in rest and digest mode by activating the parasympathetic nervous system. Take small bites, eat slowly and chew well until it is liquid. Stop eating when you are satisfied. 

  • Eat together regularly: Like everything, eating meals with loved ones must be done on a regular basis in order for it to become a habit. It can be hard to sit and enjoy a meal when we are always rushing to get things done but cultivate this habit slowly and encourage your family members to prepare and relish the meal together. 

  • Eat without distraction and share meals with friends: put all electronics away, avoid eating at your desk, checking your social media or reading news. Create a space that is solely for the purpose of enjoying your meals quietly. Set the table up with candles, flowers and have soothing music in the background. Take the time to nourish yourself. Share meals with friends and loved ones and enjoy both the food and the company. Research shows those who eat meals in the company of friends and family often live longer as they tend to eat healthier meals cooked from home as opposed to takeout. The relaxing atmosphere can also help to calm you and enjoy your meal more.