Lipoedema & Lymphedema Drainage Treatment & Massage


“Your body isn’t a temple. It’s a home you’ll live in forever. Take care of it” – Colin Wright

Lipoedema is a painful condition which results in the atypical accumulation of fat cells (adipose tissue) in areas such as the legs, buttocks and thighs. The condition is usually prevalent in women but in rare cases, men do get it. This condition can become worse due to hormonal changes which include puberty, pregnancy and also menopause. Other causes include estrogen imbalance, thyroid problems, poor gut health or a sluggish lymphatic system.

Lymphedema, on the other hand, is the swelling of certain portions of the body caused due to irregularities within the lymphatic system.

Prior to commencing any treatments, a comprehensive consultation and asessment is carried out for every individual to explore best options to support our clients holistically to achieve outcome to alleviate symptoms.

Nurturing body and mind through our advanced healing treatments. Contact Amara Wellness Centre on 03 9388 2828 to know more about our services or to book an appointment