Top 5 Tips on How To Supercharge Your Immune System

As a health practitioner, I would like to take this opportunity to share my knowledge, experience and expert tips on how to supercharge immune system by implementing consistent simple lifestyle factors to create a healthy environment and cellular function.

If you have inflammation in the body, experience digestive health symptoms with frequent colds and flues that may linger on or have existing aches and pains then, you may have weak immune system.

 Top 5 Tips on How to Supercharge Immune System: 

  1. Lifestyle Factors

    • Sleep. Having consistent, regular, non-interrupted, deep and restful sleep will help the body to repair, recover, heal and restore the body. Good quality sleep also improve memory, cognitive function, digestion, and enhance the immune function.  Implementing and scheduling in regular bed time rituals such as deep breathing, applying or burning lavender essential oil, taking a warm bath and applying your favourite body oil will be very helpful with getting good quality restorative sleep. 

    • Hydration. Drink enough filtered water to keep your cells hydrated, maintaining good energy levels and to eliminate toxins out of the body. For every 20-25 kg of body weight, recommended daily intake of water is 5 glasses to keep the cells optimally hydrated.

    • Movement and exercise assist with lymph removal by muscle contractions as well as  increasing and strength, flexibility, endurance , proprioception improve mood and elevate energy levels.

    • Reduce liver loader by eliminating caffeine, alcohol intake , processed foods, artificial sugars and smoking to take the load off the liver and eliminate toxicity in the body.

    • Skin Health and Hygiene . Skin plays a big role in body’s natural detoxification process. When the skin pores are clogged up by dead skin cells, skin won’t be able to expel toxins out of the body. Dry brushing and Hammam Kessa exfoliation can be used to remove dead skin cells. Dry brushing can be done full body before getting into the shower daily while Kessa glove exfoliation can be done after a warm shower or bath to remove dead skin cells and keep the skin pores. Ancient Hammam Bathing Rituals are excellent for mind, body and skin health as it incorporates deep Kessa exfoliation.

    • Lymphatic drainage stimulation to remove toxins out of the body faster by a self message while at home which can be complimented with professional EndermoTherapie Lymphatic stimulation treatment.

    • Nutrition and supplements . Eat local, seasonal, raw, clean and certified organic to nourish your cells and reduce inflammation in the body. Avoid GMO (Genetically Modified Food) and foods containing pesticide, herbicides, fungicides and MSG.

    • Practice mindful eating to avoid digestive upsets and to boost immune system. Check for mineral deficiencies and supplement when necessary.

  2. Stress management -  Constant high stress and negative energy weakens the immune system.It is imperative to manage stress skilfully by implementing and scheduling regular, consistent daily self care rituals such as meditation, deep breathing, exercise, painting and journaling . Having control over your thoughts and changing the perception is also vital to eliminating stress. The thought process produces transferable output of energy which is either positive or negative. The negative energy state will cause distortion in mind and emotions and affects the body by creating an undesirable environment which weakens the immune system.  Spending more time with people in high vibrational energy state empowers energises and elevates internal cellular energy to manage stress skilfully.

  3. Daily Mindful meditation and gratitude practice calms the mind, activates parasympathetic nervous system, provides clarity and opportunity to reflect on the day. Regular meditation will help with improving sleep quality, stress management thereby enhancing immune function.

  4. Gut Health plays an important and vital role in our immune health with 70-80% of the immune function resides in the gut. Prolonged poor digestive health may result in inflammation in the body by weakened  immune function.

  5. Allied Health and complementary therapies such as naturopathy, homeopathy, Ayurvedic and Chineese Medicine can be explored to support general health and wellbeing

I encourage that you take action and implement some of the tips I have shared above and start investing in your health and wellbeing to take your health and wellness journey to a new level where you have vitality to thrive geometrically by having abundance in all areas of your life such as relationships, career, finances and spirituality .

Choose to be healthy, happy, joyful with consistent high vibrational energy state to grow and commit to a fulfilling life.

Best wishes,

Dr  Zara Celik